In today's busy world, a clutter-free and tidy home can be an oasis of peace and tranquility. Let me help you declutter your home, leaving you with refreshed, functional and organized spaces that meet your family's needs and lifestyle. Let’s put your things to order!

About Me

Since I was ten, I've sought a way to live efficiently and harmoniously. I subscribed to spring cleaning, changing out seasonal items, and decluttering. I kept my clothes folded, my kitchen clean, and my belongings picked up. Yet, a month or two later, my closet and drawers would be bursting, my kitchen counters cluttered, and I'd feel like I needed more storage.

After my first son was born, I was determined to break the cycle of clutter. I read Marie Kondo's book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up in a matter of days. Many of the teachings resonated with me, but the most significant was to keep only the things that bring me joy. I had always focused on what to get rid of, but that perspective shift made a big difference for me.

My home may not always be Instagram-worthy, but because I've put in the work to put my home in order, everything has a designated place and tidying up is no longer a daunting task. When your belongings have a purpose and bring you joy, it's easy to feel refreshed and less stressed.


The KonMari Method® is a unique approach to decluttering that focuses on keeping only the things that spark joy. This shift in perspective can be transformative, as it helps people to identify and appreciate the things that are truly important to them.

When we focus on what to get rid of, we can easily get caught up in a cycle of decluttering and reacquiring. We may feel guilty about getting rid of things, even if they don't bring us joy. We may also feel like we need to buy new things to fill the empty spaces in our homes.

But when we focus on what to keep, we are forced to be more mindful about our belongings. We have to ask ourselves whether each item truly sparks joy. If it doesn't, we can let it go without guilt or hesitation.

The KonMari Method® can help us to declutter our homes, our minds, and our lives. It can help us to surround ourselves with the things that we truly love and value.